Sunday, December 26, 2021

|Intellectual Orgasms| *gasps* did he just say THAT word? :O

{note: this is the 'first post' so to speak, originally written years ago, so even with recent edits, I keep it at the 'top' of the blog, as an extended description, I suppose. Just so ya know. } 

I've decided to write again. And again. And again. This is where it's going to happen. Surprisingly, when I least expect it, inspiration hits me like a brick to the face. I'm not going to reveal the reasons for each decision to write, but I know, finally, that whatever I spew forth will not go unappreciated. I've renamed it twice already - the original title being the title of this entry, 'Intellectual Orgasms', but I didn't want people to think it was something sexual - because we all know that's a bad word. Naughty boy that I am. *slaps self in face* Ow. Well, yeah - I just didn't want people getting the wrong idea. Then, it was called "Master0fPuppets' Mental Moshpit". That just grew the wrong way on me, like a mold. Or a rash. Like jock itch. I didn't like it, so I changed it to 'Mental Machinations', but I was still not happy about it.
So I went back to the original. 
But, enough about the friggin title.

You may find what I write hard to grasp, or even morbid at times, but such are the mental machinations in my head. These will be my (mis)understandings of poetry. These will be my mental vomit (chunks included! Yummeh!). These will be the things my heart sings to (or screams at) me when I'm alone and somber (or silly, or stoned). These will be my incoherent (or intellectual) neuron synapse firings. These will be what makes the daily me, me. If anyone thinks something in here is specifically about them, please don't question me on it - I probably won't tell you. If it IS about you, feel free to leave a comment letting me know you've seen it and are aware now. If, by chance, something happens to pique your interest, by all means, comment - I'd love to see that someone else can relate or even feel what I write. Criticism is also highly invited, of course. 

Thanks for reading this far, and who knows - you might just find fascination in something you never expected to see.

Update: 12/26/2021 Things have been quite the roller-coaster this year, and I've grown and learned more in the past 7 months, than I have in decades. Learned about myself, learned about love, learned about patience, learned about things I've struggled with all my life. Whether it was good or bad, nerve-wracking or peaceful, I'm grateful for the things I've been given and do not take a single thing for granted anymore. I've learned to let things be as they will, yet making sure I'm pushing forward to be better every day, and taking the steps I need to take so I can be where I want by this time next year. I've accomplished more lately than I have in decades, and realize that the goal is just that - the goal, but life is the journey and finding the balance between living and preparing is paramount. I am not just surviving anymore, nor am I overdoing it, I'm handling things one moment at a time. I know I've got angels on my shoulders, and I'll have my wings again soon. I'm excited for the rest of my life which is something I haven't felt for many many years, and it's amazing. Hope everyone out there had a wonderful holiday season, and is spending as much time with their loved ones as possible.


[edit: In most of my posts, I will include whatever it was that inspired me to write that specific piece. I'd like it if people were not only able to see my mind, but the little things that cause it to be as melancholy and random as it can be.]

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


If they're good enough for you to use them

but not enough for you to choose them

your selfish ass is gonna lose them

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Keep your fancy dinners
Your parties and appetizers
All the noise and materialism
That's fun for a while.
Keep the sex and the physicality
The sweaty sheets, the morning fog
The moonlit nights, the star-filled skies
Those are all well and good
But there's nothing like the moments
the moments when
I lay my head in your arms
and you kiss my forehead
and tell me
"Everything's going to be ok"

Friday, October 30, 2020


 Do the people that are never fully alone, and choose not to be around when we're depressed (because who wants to be around someone depressed, right? *rolls eyes*), realize we're depressed because we're alone, and that they're happy because they're not alone? Is that the same question as, do those who haven't experienced our pain, ever truly believe how bad it is?


Clearly, unless we've been through something, we will never know it. If you're happy, and never alone, do NOT take it for granted... some day it could be gone. Get right with yourself, by yourself, or you're gonna crash. HARD. And most of all, be thankful and grateful to those who ARE around you, NOW.

 It's interesting to see poems, memes, and posts saying things like "Fall in love with someone who..." and "Love someone that..." as if we've got any control over who we love, or even why. Love just is. We ARE love. Stop expecting, or demanding things of what we already are - and just BE.

Robert Piazza, Sr.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

My Reminder

she wrote my pain like a symphony
and expressed it like a Van Gogh
it vibrated my soul exquisitely
she's my unintentional hero
and she may never even know.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Sure, we can buy our coffee at a drive-thru fast-food place
have it in our hands in seconds, and it's gone as fast
we can buy coffee pods and make a cup in minutes
we can buy pounds of coffee grinds and brew it en masse
and we love our coffee

We can also grow our own coffee
tend to the beans and their life
carefully and perfectly roast them
grind them to a perfectly-set size for ourselves
and slow-brew our coffee
and we love that coffee even more
because of what we put into it

Why settle for drive-thru love
when we can grow our own?

©Robert F Piazza, Sr.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

I See You

we all hide away
fearful of imagined threats
that seem like reality
all it took was one look
and for a moment
i saw you
i. saw. you.
for that i am eternally grateful
i'd never embraced someone 
without my arms or thoughts
so it scared the shit out of me
and i hid
i imagined threats
and over and over and over again
you tore back each layer
showed me your truth, again
flawed, melancholy, devious, innocent
yet still hiding
i used to be that little child hiding
away from my mind and 
my elaborate imagination
until i saw myself in you
and you saw yourself in me
the light broke through the dark
and became us
and showed me the truth
i'd been hiding from myself
all along

©Robert F Piazza, Sr

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Way

I'm not the one you walked away from
I'm not the heart you threw away
I'm the soul that absorbed the entire Universe
and finally found the way.

©Alfa with edits from Master0fPuppets

Pink Moon Ukiah

How does one write a poem
when the emotion
cannot be put into words?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Standing By

True unconditional love is standing beside someone, 
through anything, 
for as long as necessary, 
even beyond...
But never demanding they stay standing next to you, 
if their happiness lies elsewhere, 
and helping them find that happiness, 
even if it's without you.
All the while, still loving them completely.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


the strength I've been given
the energy to handle certain things
the patience to face adversities
becomes so heavy
that I can't help wonder
is it a gift
or a curse?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Through Glass

I don't know who needs to hear this, but
if they wanted you,
they'd make an effort
not an excuse.

I get it...

Thursday, March 19, 2020


They'll tell you everything you think you need to hear...
give you all the ego-boost and pride you desire...
anyone can love you from a distance.
Where are they for the ugly moments?
Where are they when the world isn't all rainbows and butterflies?
Where are they when reality is more than text on a screen?
They may have all the answers, but ask them to show you something... to teach you something... to live something with you... to be something with you... to exist outside their safe haven of masks and deception the internet so gladly provides.
Maybe it's safer that way.
Maybe it's easier to not commit your soul.
Maybe it's faster to get virtual affection.
Where will they be when the lights go out?
Will they sit in the dark with you?
They're looking at you through the glass...
And, vice-versa.
Remember this.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Words are cheap.
Moments, priceless.
Choose wisely.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Cheesy Grin

are these all self-inflicted
mind-states created by ego
avoiding the undeniable human condition
do we have a choice?


Scarred Heart

You think it's hidden
that part of you that makes you lower your head
the sullen sigh-inducing sad spot
the goading groan-inducing guilty geist 
the pedantic pause-inducing paranoid part...
It's not.
I see you.
I see all of you.
You are so much more than you take credit for.
Adjust those shades and smile.
The love you are in spite of that part
is what lets you shine brightly 
enough that those shadows
don't stand a chance
against love.


She deserved better
and she knew it
but holding on
to that bit
of hope

*crickets chirp*

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Haven't argued with the keyboard in some time now,
it's become difficult to let the keys reveal my thoughts.
They'd flow from wherever they originated,
right down my arms,
into my hands,
onto the screen as my fingers tapped the proper or improper keys.
Backspace would become a habit, and I'd begin again.
I suppose it's because thoughts don't make it out unless they're given the power to do so,
my arms miss their confusion,
my hands miss their melancholy,
my eyes miss the mistakes.
That's no coincidence, they don't exist.
Truths have become my weapons against the almighty keyboard,
and backspace, a long-lost acquaintance.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I don't choose to deceive, but I try to believe, 

and when trust falls apart, there's an ache in my heart. 

Our character is loyalty, with trust at it's base, 

when those two are broken, a shameful disgrace. 

I've spent my years open, not hidden, not fake - 

and now I have realized - it's all I can take. 

So lie, cheat, and steal - for it's yours to live with, 

my heart and my soul, 

are now closed, 


Robert F. Piazza ©2013

[Inspiration: Ain't nobody got time for that. 
(I'm too old for, and done with, these head games)]

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Shall Call You "Patience"

Your eyes they tell a story
love lost and broken hearts
yet your words tend to digress
and dilute the painful parts
you never let another see
the safe-room in your soul
and even one that had the key
just couldn't find the hole
I've watched you and I've listened
as they sneak around your door
your eyes they always glistened
as they fell upon the floor

I've danced upon the edge
of that precipice as well
and yet I choose to stand
and beside you I still dwell
I won't be taken by the lust
or the yearning for your body
to me you're much too smart for that
and more than just some hottie
you're a spitfire with intelligence
and those who try are doomed
nary a one ever had a chance
their mistake was they assumed
that your beauty overcame your wit
and they'd have a chance at winning
they had no idea of your intent
to torture them and keep grinning
and you don't ever give in
when temptations do abound
and no matter what the quandary
you always stand your ground

You're a force that I look up to
and I just have to smile
as you dance around such danger
with giddiness of a child
but I can see the inside
the part you think is closed
not a single person enters
in that room, no one goes
you'll argue to the death
of the emptiness in you
but I know that someday
you'll want to share that view
whoever gets to see it
had better be for real
or I know beyond a doubt
he'll be your next meal

So I watch and listen quietly
and enjoy the little games
I won't be one of those
you torture, beat, and maim
I'll stand beside you faithfully
and stay your lifelong friend
and if you ever let me in
i'll be in there till the end.

[She's definitely a force to be reckoned with. Ask around.]

Thursday, August 27, 2009


darkly mysterious
she paints a lyrical picture
describing tints and shades and highlights
of thoughts too elaborate to verbalize
allocating tangents of imagination
revealing prehistoric insecurities
bending even the firmest of ideologies
with her laconic whim
inevitably demonstrating verbosity
beyond the limits of genius
exists my literal inspiration
she is love.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Eyes That Shine And Love That Binds

[I wrote this a few years ago, it's quite different from my normal poetry, it's more in story form, but I figured I'd share it. Adoption is a common thing, and a lot of people have the same feelings and emotions I write about in here... maybe it'll help someone.]

Eyes That Shine and Love That Binds

She asks him, “What does he look like?” He hangs his head and a silent tear falls from his eye. “They said he was blonde & blue, just like you are.” She says, You really should’ve told me this a long time ago!” Then he says, “He was also adopted, and it’s said he felt he’d be better off had he been told later in his life.”
“So what else have you hidden from me all these years?” she asked.
He slowly shakes his head no, and mumbles something about telling her that “this would happen sooner or later. “Did he ever look for me?” she asked. He told her, “That would have been impossible. Your name and even your birth date were changed – that’s what the lawyers told us to do.” She replied, “Goddamned lawyers. I hate them! Fuck lawyers! Fuck them with a…” He interrupted and reminded her that just because she was 18, she still shouldn’t have a mouth like that. She laughs a bit, then her eyes fill up again as she began to speak. “I hope you’re aware that it’s going to take years to get over this and to trust you again.”
He rests his head in his hands and sighs deeply, holding back the all-too-familiar desperate pain and helplessness he feels.

Across the miles, another silent tear falls unseen.
“What’s wrong, Daddy?” she asks… she always seems to know when he’s sad or upset.
He hesitates, and tries to swallow the lump of loneliness in his throat. “I’m just a little upset tonight, sweetie. It’s nothing to worry about.”
She puts her hand on his cheek like she has done since she was three, and says “I love you Daddy.” He takes a shaky deep breath and says softly “I love you too, my little angel…” and another silent tear falls across the miles.

Somewhere between the miles, the phone rings. She knows it’s him before it even rings a second time. He anxiously waits on the phone ringing to hear her soft, sweet voice to appear on the other end of the line… he smiles as she answers the phone, and calm comes over him, which always comes over him as soon as he hears her voice.

On the way between the miles, he picks up his pen and begins writing, just whatever comes out, and another silent tear falls onto an aching heart, across the miles.
Some say silent tears are forever.
I may sadly find that out on my own...

I may never get to know you
Yet my love for you still grows
And if I have to go away
To places no one knows
And if no one’s there to catch your tear
And you think you’re left alone
Just look inside your heart my love
I’ve been there all along.

For Christine Marie Piazza aka Margaret Krystal
By Robert F. Piazza, Sr.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


[I wrote this about 15 years ago, and it's published, as well]

Love is like a butterfly
chase it - and it will surely fly away
grab it - and you may damage it's fragile wings
be still
observe it's eternal beauty
eventually it will
come and rest
softly upon


©Robert F. Piazza


i feel it coming, inevitably
it crawls up like a fog
my heart it races instantly
i race into my blog
the typing instant without thought
yet still i cannot see
so i close my eyes again
why can't i let them be
these futile grains of hope
and yearning in my dreams
the one who share my passions
my fears to their extremes
it's simple yet impossible
to tell her what im feeling
i blink my eyes and sigh again
my heart again sent reeling
she has no clue, no idea at all
that i'm crying like a child
why can't she be herself again
why choose to be so wild
i know inside she's innocent
and truthful, whole, and pure
she'd rather not let someone in
to break her heart some more
if i could tell her how i feel
and kick this stupid fear
this fog, this pain, this loneliness
this drowning in my beer
would all be gone, just history
i'd fly with her in love
to places poets write about
up in the skies above
alas, her freedom beckons her
she pulls away once more
i just can't watch her crash again
this time, i lock the door.


your heart can be mistaken

and overpower you

and lead you to be foolish

and stuck without a clue

of how love can just disappear

and tear your world apart

the want, the need, of someone here

that feeling in your heart

without that love, it's all a game

and just a waste of time

and no, it's not me who's to blame

it's you that did this crime

you told me you were different

told me you're not the same

you told me you'd be there for me

yet filled me up with shame

for doubting you were honest

for thinking you would lie

but wow, it hit me like a brick

how quick you said goodbye

and so i sit here writing this

and wonder if somehow

my heart will ever forget you

cuz my head just don't know how.

so tell me now what should i do

since it seems you're over me

how did you close your heart so fast

and decide to just be free

i wish i could see inside of there

to know just how you did it

cuz mine is kinda broken now

i really should have hid it

and kept that wall up constantly

and never let you in

cuz i've got to start over now

and don't know where to begin

so fly, my angel, and don't look back

i want you to be free

i'd rather sit here wondering

than love who won't love me.

What Can I Say?


Leaves me thinking
Of what to say...
Very curious...
Enticing, in a way...

You've made me
Open my heart





Why can't I stop thinking?

Ones And Zeroes

Across miles of glass
bits and bytes of thoughts and feelings
anticipating their destination
transforming binary to synaptic
synaptic to binary
forming comprehension
and understanding
beyond our virtual reality
we connect.


expressions of emotion flow through my fingers
softly grazing my keyboard
innocent and naked
they fall into place
some have purpose
some may be
exposed to you
for your amusement
take them for what they are
or feel them the way I do
but share with me this lyrical journey
if only for a second
I exist
my intentions are achieved

Instant Message

outside my window
darkness falls
raping the color from the landscape
within seconds the fear begins
invisible beasts become real
peaceful animals become monsters
leaves falling become footsteps
and silence deafens me


Theoretical hearts can be broken into pieces
thoughts can be twisted and deranged
time is only an invention of man
reality is simply our perception
fear is a motivator yet a destroyer
peace is a forced understanding of confusion
happiness is an elated state of mind
yet it is the strongest emotion we have
and comprehension doesn't matter anymore.

Tell Me Something

Tell me something.
not what you want me to hear,
not what I want you to say,
but something.
a million things
from a million thoughts
by a million minds
start to all look the same-
words can become vacant
lacking content beyond letters and syllables
random inklings spilled upon blank pages
drying up into colors and tones-
where only fractions of intentions,
and minuscule conventions,
tell me something-
something you.

Truck Stop Napkin

rough and crisp you were
sniffling I just grabbed you
sore noses feared you
a teardrop softened you up
and gently, you blew my mind

my first attempt at a Tanka...
inspired by you, my beautiful tragedy...
♥ ♥ ♥


inner turmoil stirs
among thoughts too fiery to touch
painfully, I claw for one
barely grasping the edge
holding it as long as I can bear to
burning my mind and my hand
into powdery ashes
sweeping up the last of the days contemplations
I fall to an restless sleep
and dream myself awake
to find myself
sleeping peacefully

[i didn't find inspiration for this, it just happened]


Under a moonless sky
I delve into thoughts long repressed
picking them out like tissue paper from a gift
falling around me I glance at them
their tattered existence taunting me
painfully I connect the blots
and entertain the idea of expression
without restraint
the idea itself paralyzes me
everything fades to a dull gray
yet through the clouds
a single shooting star reveals itself
ignites my tissue paper thoughts
and pulls me from the cement-like stupor...
I remember now.

[the inspiration for this was my heart]

Inner Child

under the echoes of tears
behind the screams of fears
hides a patient little boy
unaware of the menagerie of duplicities
stalking his very existence
outside the realm of reality
beyond the grasp of mentality
above the pull of normality
he waits

[the inspiration for this should be self-explanitory]


Pieces of her heart
scattered like old bread outside the door
waiting to see who gets to it first
will it be the morning deer
eager to lick her hand
will it be the night predators
waiting in the darkness to attack
or will it be the birds
soaring from heights unknown
zeroing in on their target
silently the pieces lay
each it's own masterpiece
pure in it's design
hardened by time
daylight peers over the horizon
the pieces are gone
and the victor knows not
of the tormented fragments
or their chiseled shape
only the sated disappearance of an ancient hunger
her pieces scatter no more

[the inspiration for this was bread, scattered outside my door, and a little bit of something else]


tell me who I am
tell me why I cry
tell me who to love
tell me how to die
tell me what it means
tell me what you can
tell me how I feel
tell me I'm a man
tell me what to know
tell me what she said
tell me how to grow
tell me 'bout my head
tell me it's alright
tell me how to fly
tell me not to fight
tell me just to lie
tell me she won't leave
tell me not to run
tell me when to grieve
tell me when I'm done
tell me if it's real
tell me time to go
tell me how you steal
tell me I don't know
tell me if it hurts
tell me that you care
tell me you're complete
tell me it's not fair
tell me why I hurt
tell me you will try
tell me I'm insane
tell me goodbye

[the inspiration for this was my roommate walking by saying the word diagnosis]

Monday, August 24, 2009

Across The Miles

[this was written a few years ago, my first attempt at something to put to music, yet I never had the guts to send it to whom it's about, for her to make into a song... I hope someone else can get some feeling out of it - nothing is worth anything unless it's shared, as far as I'm concerned.]

walked out the door and drove
didn't know where I was at all
left your tea there on the stove
the kids, the house, I left it all
when you said you didn't love me
it just tore me up inside
you'll never know
where do I go
when love's across the miles

Now there's so much that I want to say
but I don't want to hurt you
can't find a reason why to stay
even though I want to
but now that i've let you know
i think i should let you go
and maybe one day you'll see

it's not her heart that's breaking
when your eyes won't seem to dry
it's not the love you're making
when you're looking to the sky
it's the little things that matter
the hugs, the winks, the smiles
it's the love that always makes it
makes it across the miles

now don't you go and take this
as a permanent goodbye
i know i'd never have the strength
to look you in the eye
to tell you i don't need you
that you don't matter anymore
even though you've shown
away you've grown
i still wonder why...

it's not your heart that's breaking
when your eyes won't seem to dry
it's not the love you're making
when you're looking to the sky
it's the little things that matter
the hugs, the winks, the smiles
it's love that somehow makes it
makes it across the miles

you asked how you could help me
when i had nothing left to lose
now i'm broken and i'm tempted
but what the hell would it prove?
there's no more left inside me
no winks no hugs no smiles
what can you do to help me
when i'm lost across the miles?

it's not your heart that's breaking
when your eyes won't seem to dry
it's not the love you're making
when you're looking to the sky
it's the little things that matter
your hugs, your winks, your smiles
love made it across the miles...

©2005 Robert F. Piazza, Sr.